upcoming events

Avin Ahmadi, a musician born in Tehran and living in Vienna, presents a musical performance enriched with a tapestry of musical landscapes. With her oud and singing, she explores improvisations of traditional Iranian music and some original fusion folk compositions. 


I AM ABROAD is the new European project promoted by Taller de Músics, designed to strengthen improvised music networks in the European music ecosystem.

Slected through LIVEMX, the project starts this October and launches a series of actions aimed at responding to the needs of free improvisation artists in the export of their music.
Barcelona, Vienna and Gothenburg will work together on this initiative, organising music co-creation events and bringing together key players in each country, such as music export offices, international meetings and venues.

Info of the program happening in Barcelona > Here


I AM ABROAD is the new European project promoted by Taller de Músics, designed to strengthen improvised music networks in the European music ecosystem.

Slected through LIVEMX, the project starts this October and launches a series of actions aimed at responding to the needs of free improvisation artists in the export of their music.
Barcelona, Vienna and Gothenburg will work together on this initiative, organising music co-creation events and bringing together key players in each country, such as music export offices, international meetings and venues.

Past events

Dominik versammelt wieder Musiker! Avin Ahmadi, Oud/Vocals Michael Alves, Violine Dominik Grafl, Piano Philip Henri, Kontrabass .

More info on : https://fraumayer.at/event/frau-mayer-variations-fest-avin-ahmadi/


Persian Indie winter edition’s here!
This time, featuring Hossein Karami and Avin Ahmadi.

Join us for a friendly evening to have some drinks and to listen to a collection of short Persian Indie songs.

More info : https://fraumayer.at/event/avin-ahmadi-7/


I AM ABROAD is the new European project promoted by Taller de Músics, designed to strengthen improvised music networks in the European music ecosystem.

Slected through LIVEMX, the project starts this October and launches a series of actions aimed at responding to the needs of free improvisation artists in the export of their music.
Barcelona, Vienna and Gothenburg will work together on this initiative, organising music co-creation events and bringing together key players in each country, such as music export offices, international meetings and venues.


Karrar Al Saadi’s Album release concert for the Album ‘Bisat’  will be taking place on November 16th at Spektakel in Vienna; Avin Ahmadi will be one of their guests playing alongside other amazing musicians on this event. 

Tickets online available on : www.spektakel.wien   

I AM ABROAD is the new European project promoted by Taller de Músics, designed to strengthen improvised music networks in the European music ecosystem.

Slected through LIVEMX, the project starts this October and launches a series of actions aimed at responding to the needs of free improvisation artists in the export of their music.
Barcelona, Vienna and Gothenburg will work together on this initiative, organising music co-creation events and bringing together key players in each country, such as music export offices, international meetings and venues.

On 13.11., six selected musicians will be paired up as duos using a randomizing tool. Each duo will then play a 15-minute improvisation session.

HER Musikerinnen fragen – die Talk & Liveshow Wiens!

Mit Thamires Tannous & Avin Ahmadi

Host: Mary Broadcast

Mary Broadcast holt sich Wiens Musikerinnen auf die Bühne und fragt, wie sich das Leben als Musikerin in dieser Stadt so anfühlt und wie es überhaupt dazu kam. Aus der Sicht des Publikums wird vieles nicht hinterfragt und als selbstverständlich konsumiert, dabei steckt viel Arbeit und Zeit im Aufbau des Lebensprojekts „Musikerin“.

Die Talk & Liveshow mit „Late Night Show“ Charakter – mit der Liveband Mary Broadcast als „Backing“-Band auf der Bühne – das bedeutet viel Musik neben interessanten Gesprächen! Zu hören gibt es Neues und Altes aus den Projekten der Gästinnen!
Willkommen sind alle, auf der Bühne sitzen wir Frauen! Es geht um uns, unsere Arbeit und darum, uns mehr Sichtbarkeit im Wiener Musikbusiness Dschungel zu geben – wir freuen uns mit Euch auf wunderbar bunte Abende!

Bei der zweiten HER-Veranstaltung des Herbstes liegt der Musikfokus wieder auf Musikerinnen mit Migrationsgeschichte. Dieses mal kommen die zwei Gästinnen aus Brasilien und Syrien. Wir freuen uns auf interessante Musik & Einblicke!

Thamires Tannous

Avin Ahmadi

Mary Broadcast

Eintritt: 10 Euro

Powered by SKE & Bezirksvertretung – Ottakring, Bezirksvorsteherin Stefanie Lamp

Einzigartige Gesangstechnik kombiniert mit einer orientalischen Klangpalette – Emma Jazy vereint Einflüsse aus Jazz und Pop mit persischer Folklore, während Erik Asatrian sein armenisches Genie durch Virtuosität am Piano ausdrückt.

Dieses besondere Duo Resonance featured im ZWE exklusiv Avin Ahmadi an der Oud, um diesen speziellen Abend perfekt zu machen.

The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.

ThMusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.

The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.

The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.

The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.


The MusiSHEans Guitar tour 2024 is coming through Germany and Italy in August & September of 2024!

Avin Ahmadi (IRN), Annika Teubner (DE), Karlijn Langendijk (NL) and Judith Beckedorf (DE) will meet for this year’s tour for the first time.

Silkroad’s Global Musician Workshop (GMW) is a musician training program modeled after the genesis of the Silkroad Ensemble, bringing together artists from around the globe for a week of cross-cultural musical collaboration. This week-long program includes faculty-led bands of diverse participants, group workshops that teach tunes from around the world, along with topic-based elective classes, nightly jam sessions, panel discussions, and a multi-night performance festival featuring both faculty and participants!

Silkroad’s Global Musician Workshop (GMW) is a musician training program modeled after the genesis of the Silkroad Ensemble, bringing together artists from around the globe for a week of cross-cultural musical collaboration. This week-long program includes faculty-led bands of diverse participants, group workshops that teach tunes from around the world, along with topic-based elective classes, nightly jam sessions, panel discussions, and a multi-night performance festival featuring both faculty and participants!

Silkroad’s Global Musician Workshop (GMW) is a musician training program modeled after the genesis of the Silkroad Ensemble, bringing together artists from around the globe for a week of cross-cultural musical collaboration. This week-long program includes faculty-led bands of diverse participants, group workshops that teach tunes from around the world, along with topic-based elective classes, nightly jam sessions, panel discussions, and a multi-night performance festival featuring both faculty and participants!

Gegründet im Sommer 2024, ist „Fabio & Triple A“ ein frisches Fusion-Jazz-Quartett, bestehend aus:
– dem österreichischen Schlagzeuger Fabio Nüssel
– den iranischen Musikern:
– Arash Seraj am Klavier
– Azin Seraj am Bass
– und Avin Ahmadi an der Oud und Gesang.

Nach ihrem ersten Zusammentreffen bei Fabios Bachelor-Prüfung und einem beeindruckenden Auftritt vor dem Publikum beschloss die Gruppe, ihr Projekt weiterzuführen.

Ihr Repertoire umfasst Originalkompositionen und Interpretationen von Stücken der großartigen Künstler Avishai Cohen, Dhafer Youssef und Tigran Hamasyan.

Nawa Festival is dedicated to music and short films by contemporary artists from North Africa and West Asia. 


Avin Ahmadi is one of the soloist performers of Nawa Festival 2024, performing her piece with the Nawa Orchestra on the 29th of June at 19:00.

Resident Alien, a project of Hinterland : 

Last Saturday of the month, 29th of June starting at 16:00
Creating links between visual art and music/ performance at Hinterland Gallery.
Curator : Peter Herbert, Johannes Kretz, Tobias Leibetseder und Marie-Therese Rudolph

16:30 Avin Ahmadi/ Oud & Vocals
18:00 ‘Scruffy Herbert’s chamber group’
More info on :

🎸🌟 Gitarrenfestival Dresden präsentiert: Avin Ahmadi 🌟🎸 Am 07.06. wird sie das Festival eröffnen!

Wir laden zu einer einzigartigen musikalischen Performance der talentierten jungen Musikerin aus dem Iran ein.
Avin AHmadi beherrscht nicht nur das “gitarrenverwandte” Saiteninstrument Oud, sondern ist auch eine ausgezeichnete Komponistin und Sängerin. Mit ihrem außergewöhnlichen Talent gewann sie bereits in jungen Jahren bedeutende Musikwettbewerbe.

Weitere Infos: www.gitarrenfestivaldresden.de

Iranian artist Masoumeh Jalalieh, alongside 20 other artists from Iran, invites you to enjoy five evenings of gathering and sharing in an intimate salon atmosphere where performances, installations, music and film contributions will be shown!

Toranj Mashayekhi, Yalda Pakzad, Ahoo Maher, Sina Saberi, Alireza Keymanesh, Nazanin Mehraein, Shirin Farshbaf, Kimiya Rastgou Moghadam, Hannaneh Heydari, Golara Ghofrani, Ava Jalali, Behzad Gholami, Roya Keshavarz, Lagha Ghavam and Maryam Farahi, Tanin Torabi, Nima Noury, Avin Ahmadi, Parmiss Rahmani and Masoumeh Jalalieh

Vocals : Elaha Soroor , Guitar : Giuliano Modarelli , Oud : Avin Ahmadi , Tabla : Haider Khan , Ney, Setar, vocals : Aminian Jazi 

This series, Hazara music, is a collaboration between Roots Revival, SHIFT, Theater Odeon and Elaha Soroor; a UK-based vocalist and composer from Afghanistan, celebrated for her fusion of traditional music from Afghanistan with contemporary global sounds, 

Tickets : https://www.odeon-theater.at/roots-revival-series-afghanistan-austria/

Avin & Ermia are two young musicians from Iran.  Ermia, a singer-songwriter and pianist joins forces with Avin, vocalist and Oud player;  they will be brining some unique Indie Persian sounds in this program.

 This isn’t just any musical collaboration; it’s the result of an amazing friendship that shines through every chord they play.

Entrance is free!

Address : Capistrangasse 8, wien 

The duo Avin Ahmadi & Morvarid Tahmasbi opens the musical evening at the festival center. 🌟

Following that, Orwa Saleh, the host of the festival center, invites everyone to the legendary jam session on the festival center stage. Numerous musicians gather on one stage to experiment, improvise, and, most importantly, have fun making music together.

For more info, visit : 


A cooperation between Philomena Plus and Salam Music Festival : 

The exhibition Emotional Lands explores the complexity of human emotions in a rapidly changing world. 

Exhibition duration : 02/03 – 16/04/2024 ; As part of the cooperation, events with musical accompaniment will also take place. Featuring: Majid Bekkas, Avin Ahmadi and Mehdi Chamma!  on the last day: 

  • Curator tour with Elisabeth Piskernik // Music: Avin Ahmadi – free entry

Roots Revival Series 5 – Afghan Pashto music & poetry with Simin Tander – Interpretation of Contemporary Pashto 

Poetry; #Rootsrevivalseries Afghanistan celebrates the vibrant music and culture diversity of Afghanistan. 

Simin Tander :  Vocals ,  Nora Thiele : Precussion, Piano, Keyboard , Leila Soldevila : Double bass 

Guest musicinas: 

Mehdi Aminian : Ney, Setar, Vocal 

Avin Ahmadi : Oud

Avin Ahmadi, Oud/Vocals
Dominik Grafl, Piano/Percussion/Accordeon/n’Goni/Vocal/Texts/Production
Beri Bedelahmi, Vocals
Kristian Lind, Bass
Josef Kolarz, Clarinette

++Special Guests++: Michael Lugger, Daniel Weber, Tobias Freudenreich, Eva Maria Neubauer, Julian Villegas


DE/SEMBLE Festival night at Reaktor : Festival for Jazz and Adventurous Music in Vienna 

ON 28.10.2023 : Morvarid Tahmasbi and Avin Ahmadi are two Iranian musicians, both born

and raised in iran. They will present an improvisational performance. Morvarid will showcase

the ‘Kamancheh,’ while Avin will play the Oud, both traditional Iranian instruments. The focus

will be on the ‘Bayat-Isfahan,’a mode in traditional Iranian music, as they explore its melodic

Avin Ahmadi, a musician born in Tehran and living in Vienna, presents a musical performance

enriched with a tapestry of musical landscapes. With her oud and singing, she explores improvisations

of traditional Iranian music, Arabic maqams and some original fusion folk compositions. 

The performance invites the audience on a profound journey across borders. 

Avin Ahmadi, an Oud player from Iran and Michael Alves,

a Brazilian violin player, will create an artistic atmosphere in

which, music and poetry connect to each other.

Flying Carpet is a volunteer-based collective of world-class musicians, circus artists, visual artists, designers, and visionaries who believe in the power of music and arts as a catalyst for positive change in the lives of  vulnerable and refugee children in war- affected regions of the world.

This festival is an intensive learning platform  to create a harmonious experience through music, circus,  dance, light, beauty and truth. The festival selects  artists, musicians and  visionaries  from all over the world with the common  goal of creating  the  best possible educational experience for vulnerable  children traumatized  by war and conflict.

A Concert, Dinner, Party program By Trio Rokhs

(Traditional Iranian music)

At 19:00 

On the day before International Women’s day, hmdw,

the student council of the University of Music and performing 

Arts Vienna, has organized a concert in Solidarity with Iran and

the feminist revoluion in Iran. The program will be performed

mainly by several Iranian musicians.