August 2024, Silkroad Global Musician Performances (Boston, USA) 

Photo Shooting with Manuela Schauer 2024 (Vienna, Austria)

June 2024, Nawa Festival (Vienna, Austria)

June 2024, Dresden Guitar Festival (Dresden, Germany)

April 2024, Persian Indie Night , Avin & Ermia (Vienna)

April 2024, Salam Music Festival, OUD & KAMANCHEH DUO/ JAM SESSION (Vienna)

February 2024, PASHTO! - Simin Tander & Roots Revival Ensemble (Vienna)

October 2023, Avin Ahmadi Solo performance at Porgy&Bess (Vienna)

October 2023, Oud & Kamancheh duo with Morvarid Tahmasbi at DE/SEMBLE festival for jazz and adventurous music in Reaktor (Vienna)

September 2023, Flying Carpet festival on tour in Turkey, container cities, cities and villages near the syrian border

February 2023, Oud and Cajon performance with Sana Shahmiri at Frau Mayer (Vienna, Austria)

2019 : The 11th and 13th Youth Music Festival (Tehran,Iran)

Posters of some of the Events, Concerts or Festivals with the presence of Avin Ahmadi: